MENTIDOTE was started to address the lack of a deeper and more compassionate understanding of mental health issues in the community.

The founder of Mentidote -certified counselor, researcher and lecturer Athel J. Hu- saw that individuals and youths were struggling with their own mental health, as well as the mental health of those around them. They were unsure of what they were dealing with, where they could find help and how to afford it. She hopes that Mentidote can provide for some of these needs, and in doing so, strengthen communities.

Having experienced personal struggle and loss, and having counselled several others, Athel shares her knowledge with empathy, and shows how to use knowledge and kindness with ourselves and with others, to mend and to build.

Mentidote works with institutions who are keen to empower their community with knowledge and practical help regarding mental health, customising workshops on mental health wellness according to the organisations’ needs. Contact them for more information.

Upcoming workshop

Individuals can also take part in online workshops (small groups) that are available a few times a month, designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to recognise and manage mental health issues. For example, an upcoming online workshop on September 11 focuses on building a healthy self-image. Learn the basics of mental health wellness from the comfort of home, with an approachable, authentic and professional facilitator.

Other workshops include
– Communication and Helping Micro-skills
-Anxiety and Issues of Life
-Stress Immunization Training
-Attachment & Sense of Security

Mental Health awareness can benefit all of us. Whether we are healing from tumultuous childhoods, difficult relationships, unarticulated losses, or just the unpredictability of life, it helps to have some awareness and compassion for the journey.

For reflections on growth and positive notes, follow Mentidote on Facebook and Instagram and be part of the movement to improve mental health awareness and helping in the community. If you want to share your story (under a pen name) on your mental health journey, go to